"Yellow hope"...
Als Teil des weltweiten Netzes von Ursulinen-Schulen möchten wir uns an der 'Yellow Hope' campaign des St Ursula's College Toowoomba in Australien beteiligen und der Hoffnung auf baldige Besserung der weltweiten Situation farbenfroh Ausdruck verleihen.
Wie kannst du Teil der weltweiten 'Yellow Hope' campaign werden? Befestige ein Band in der hoffnungsfrohen Farbe Gelb an Bäumen, Zäunen, Postkästen..., mach ein Foto und lade es hoch!
Schreib dazu an Frau Prof. Cortiel cortiel.n@ursulinen-salzburg.at und du bekommst einen Link!
Hier werdet ihr euch dann wieder finden :-)
Sr. Sue, die Generaloberin der Römischen Union in Rom, hat die Idee per Mail nach Salzburg gebracht:
Dear Sisters,
I recently received an email from the Principal at St Ursula's College Toowoomba, Mrs Tanya Appleby, inviting me to be part of a campaign.
On the last day before the schools were effectively temporarily closed in response to the Covid-19 situation, the senior girls began a 'Yellow Hope' campaign. They tied yellow ribbons in various places around the school, and encouraged the students, and other members of the school community to tie yellow ribbons, wreaths or balloons on a tree, their letter-box or the front door of their homes as a symbol of the fact that, no matter what uncertainty there is in the world, they are hope-filled people, and to share this sense of hope in the community. Yellow is such a bright and happy colour.
Tanya extended the invitation to me, and I am attaching a photo of the result. I thought I would like to extend this invitation to you, and you might spread it through your provinces. In your communities, the sisters might like to add something yellow and bright to a tree, or their door, or a window.Perhaps the sisters will share the idea with their colleagues and friends in their school or parish communities, or in their other ministries.
With love,